…come in small packages.Enjoy your sneak peeks, “M” family! Your baby girl is gorgeous!!

Ella Bella Photography – Newborn Photographer in Austin & San Antonio, Maternity, Baby, Child, Family
Ella Bella Photography - Austin & San Antonio Newborn Baby Photographer
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She is so tiny & gorgeous!! Love these, Elle!!
Awww…she is just darling! Lovely portraits of her!
I literally said “Awww!” out loud! The one with dad is perfection and should be BIG in their house!
That first photo with her sweet little toes peeking out is my FAVE!!! What a beautiful baby…you are amazing Elle!
So sweet, love the little smile!
She is a cutie! Love that last one!
beautiful!!!!!!! love that little smile. =)
Oh my goodness! Soo adorable!